Showing posts with label Content writing: $1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Content writing: $1. Show all posts

Friday, May 14, 2010

Special Price for Content writing: $1 per 100 words

Are you looking for discount in content writing? If Yes, then you are at the right place. This is the right time to get your desired rates for seo content writing. I am back after several months of break! Lost many of my clients and am on the look out for new clients. As a special offer I offer $1 per hundred words against $2 for which I had been working earlier.

I have planned to write seo content for the above price for the first five clients. Happy news for the early birds is that I will not increase the pricing for them for a time period of one year.

Good Luck! Hurry up, Mail me immediately and get your web content for the lowest price.