All writers are equal while some are more equal!
Wondering what’s it all about? I am to reveal a great sensible truth about content writers in this article. Let me tell you if some one is bold enough to offer article writing services then you must understand that the person has some stuff and can express himself in the angle he views the matter.
I elucidate this with a simple example. I had been interviewing candidates for web content writing in my company. There were six people competing for 3 content writer vacancies. They were all fresh candidates eager to pursue their career as content writers. In the first round of tests, I gave them a topic and asked them state their views in two sentences.
This was the out come for the topic ‘Food’.
• To prepare food, you need to add required ingredients in proper proportion and heat it until it is cooked.
• Food provides us with the necessary energy for us to live and work. It is important to have well balanced food to live a healthy life.
• Foods are of two types. One is the vegetarian diet and the other one is the non-vegetarian diet. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.
• Food is the god of the world. Every toil and effort made by us is to obtain this precious thing. There is no life without food.
• Food is the fuel of living beings. It is like gas for vehicles, every thing comes to a halt with out sufficient food.
• Food is the panacea for the human kind if taken appropriately. However, when we exceed limits food can turn into a poison.
Tell me now, which is right and which is wrong? In my view all of them are right. A similar situation exists when it comes to choosing a content writer for your web needs! How would you pick one? Post your answers as comments I’ll let you know how to choose one among the various writers.
Wondering what’s it all about? I am to reveal a great sensible truth about content writers in this article. Let me tell you if some one is bold enough to offer article writing services then you must understand that the person has some stuff and can express himself in the angle he views the matter.
I elucidate this with a simple example. I had been interviewing candidates for web content writing in my company. There were six people competing for 3 content writer vacancies. They were all fresh candidates eager to pursue their career as content writers. In the first round of tests, I gave them a topic and asked them state their views in two sentences.
This was the out come for the topic ‘Food’.
• To prepare food, you need to add required ingredients in proper proportion and heat it until it is cooked.
• Food provides us with the necessary energy for us to live and work. It is important to have well balanced food to live a healthy life.
• Foods are of two types. One is the vegetarian diet and the other one is the non-vegetarian diet. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.
• Food is the god of the world. Every toil and effort made by us is to obtain this precious thing. There is no life without food.
• Food is the fuel of living beings. It is like gas for vehicles, every thing comes to a halt with out sufficient food.
• Food is the panacea for the human kind if taken appropriately. However, when we exceed limits food can turn into a poison.
Tell me now, which is right and which is wrong? In my view all of them are right. A similar situation exists when it comes to choosing a content writer for your web needs! How would you pick one? Post your answers as comments I’ll let you know how to choose one among the various writers.